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Hirtenstraße 19, 10178 Berlin, Germany

+49 30 24041420


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Turmoil Excess_ Vorspiel

Turmoil Excess_ Vorspiel / transmediale & CTM // Modular+ Gallery Berlin Sonic Art Installation & Performances A series of events during this year's #transmediale & #CTM #Vorspiel : Artists are invited to participate within the CTM -Turmoil theme. During this weekend of audiovisual, live performances and sonic art installations 20 artists will be exploring uneasy times - an antidote, for both the present and the future? ...


VJ LIVE SET // ANALOGUE FEEDBACK // INTERMISSION //  // mODULAR sPACE // EN COLABORACIÓN CON Lyk Ourg Work done with the recording of vhs cameras carried and controlled by video mixer...